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Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #110: Creativity in the Time of Covid

First, let me tell you four super-women how much I enjoyed learning more about each of you, and how you all connected, courtesy of the great interview on  I am awed by the sensational talents each of you displays.

This was a tough topic. I don’t feel like I have been particularly creative during this odd time during Covid. Busy, yes. Productive, I’m not so sure. Like many, when we were first on lockdown, I came out of the gate like a gangbuster, cleaning out closets and drawers, re-organizing, attending webinars, exercising, and cooking better meals. Also, like many, as the weeks, then months went by, my focus diminished.

It’s more realistic to say I’ve been more determined than creative.  Determined to finally finish the Goggle Analytics course, attend technical webinars, follow more blogs, and to resolve various production details on my site. I worked selecting pics and writing posts to save for the much-anticipated day we all start to travel again.

My blog is my hobby, it combines my passions for travel, writing, and photography. These past few months, I finally had time to reflect a bit more about how to select and kraft my content as well as grow readership. Extra time allowed me to explore and participate in these wonderful photo challenges. Challenge posts have not only been enjoyable to read, but I have learned to look at my photos and content from different perspectives. And, I have learned from your beautiful photography and been motivated to get out and experiment more with both my Nikon and my iPhone.

So, thanks to you all for being catalysts and role-models!

A group of women enjoying companionship in Kathmandu, Nepal.


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