Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #111: Everyday Objects – Feathers


For years my husband has been picking up feathers for me. I don’t know what it is I love so much about them, I just know I do. In Florida, he finds a lot of peacock feathers, but here in North Carolina, it’s usually turkey feathers. As it turns out, our cat, Pippi, also loves feathers, so I’ve had to keep them far out of reach from frisky paws.

For as long as I can remember I have kept a feather in a cup of pens on my desk. Maybe it’s linked to my love of history, but I enjoy the symbolism of the quills famously used by early writers. My vase of feathers has long been a conversation piece in our home, although it’s not as noticeable these days perched on a high mantle, thanks to Pippi.

I now know feathers are hard to photograph. I think what makes them so special is what also makes them hard to capture with a camera. Each unique color and barb seems to absorb light differently. Even using my Nikon 60mm macro lens I wasn’t getting the sharpness I wanted, so I defaulted to some more artistic close-ups.


“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul . . . ”  ~ Emily Dickinson

16 Comments on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #111: Everyday Objects – Feathers

  1. Such wonderful collection.
    My father in law had nice collection of feathers from our garden in India. He had them in a vase in our front porch.

  2. What a terrific idea for the challenge this week Karen. Loved your images and love that your husband collects them for you!

  3. I used to collect feathers in the yard and on vacations for my cats. Their favorites were always Blue Jays! They’re not as photographic when they’re wet and chewed on!

    • It’s odd I never seem to find feathers from Blue Jays or Cardinals. Maybe I just don’t know how to Identify them. Something else to research!

  4. I LOVE this post. LOL about Pippi proofing the feathers!

  5. I can see why you are attracted to feathers, Karen. What beautiful colors and designs. You highlighted them beautifully.

  6. Fascinating on several levels. The feathers themselves are an interesting assortment as are your comments on how much trouble it is to photograph them. The way you arranged them and collected them is still another level of interest. Great post, Karen.

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