Lens-Artists Challenge #129 – Favorite Images of 2020

In the beginning . . . .

Hands down my favorite images of this past year belong to our precious granddaughter – Baby J. We hit the ground running the first quarter of the year with our usual, busy, crazy schedule. We were with Baby J for her first birthday; I was off to a fun annual girlfriends trip on Sea Island; we met-up with my brother and his family in Naples for a special family dinner to celebrate my Mother’s 89th birthday (combined with a trip to the Shy Wolf Sanctuary); took my husband for an overnight at the Hard Rock’s new landmark hotel for a Jerry Seinfeld show, and flew back north to take care of Baby J while her parents took a short break. Before you knew it – it was March.

During our visit to Baby J in the DC area, the news was alarming. I was wary, sitting in the very crowded American Airlines waiting area at Reagan National Airport, nervously looking around, hearing people reflect on the big conference many fellow travelers had just attended. Seems impossible now, but no one wore masks back then. Very shortly after we returned, I began to hear about people from that DC conference who were exposed to the virus. That first March weekend a historic preservation group I volunteer with, held an extremely successful garden tour on a perfect spring day. About a week later and Miami-Dade (unlike the rest of Florida) shut down.

The new reality was staying at home, cooking a lot (started ordering Hello Fresh for variety), sharing the property grounds with peacocks (and crocs) for long walks around our community. Even the golf course was closed, so we, thankfully, had lots of room to roam. We were blessed. Horrified at the daily statistics, both relieved and feeling guilty that we no longer had to report to work like so many essential workers or needed to work like so many others who had lost jobs. We tried hard to support local businesses and give support where we could.

We reconnected with ourselves, reached out and caught-up with absent friends, and spent more time on our terrace than in all the prior years combined. We live in paradise and the warm weather was just another blessing as we watched what was happening in Europe and New York.

Keeping busy was no challenge. I finally found time to work on this blog (what to write in a travel blog when you are not traveling?) and enjoyed the virtual education trend that allowed me to participate in many interesting experiences, courses, and seminars. Oddly, I found it difficult to even read about travel and impossible to do any trip planning, better just to focus elsewhere. I do miss the adventure of experiencing new places and cultures but am just grateful to have been able to spend any day possible with Baby J.

10 Comments on “Lens-Artists Challenge #129 – Favorite Images of 2020

  1. I still love the hairstyle (blow me down) and your writing continues to amaze me!

  2. Lovely post Karen – and Baby J is (as you know) adorable! She’ll have lots of fun photos of herself as a child when she grows up! Lucky you and lucky her!

    Your experience in DC must have been really scary. We had a similar experience in our NYC March trip. We attended a “celebration of life” service for our daughter-in-law and afterwards about 250 of us crammed shoulder-to-shouler into a relatively small loft restaurant for shared food and a very crowded bar. The virus literally became well-known in the midst of our visit. Here’s hoping these fears and the many safety measures we’re taking are behind us sooner rather than later. Wishing you a healthy and happy 2021

    • Sorry to hear, it sounds like a sad trip to NYC.
      BTW-In FL they are scheduling vaccines and we are missing some opportunities because we are back in the DC area waiting for baby #2! After driving around the east this year, I won’t complain about flying when I get the chance again.

  3. You absolutely captured the good, the bad and the ugly of what covid “accomplished” in the world as we know it now. Staying home and reconnecting with our loved ones…and cooking more than ever!! A slower pace, appreciating each other and staying healthy.
    Love little baby J and all her adorable pictures. Her joy of life is your joy too💕💕
    Great blog Karen!
    Hugs, Sue

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