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Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #103: Surprise

It’s great to take road trips around the USA and look for the quirky and unusual. I often rely on the app RoadsideAmerica to keep us entertained with trivia-Americana and alerts to unusual finds along the way. Even on those long roads to nowhere, it’s amazing what secrets are hidden off the next exit or slightly off the beaten path.  Here are a couple of my favorite surprises.

The Corn Palace | Mitchell, South Dakota

Considered a folk-art wonder, the world’s only Corn Palace attracts half a million visitors a year (who knew)! A smaller version was built in 1892, and the tradition has continued ever since, culminating in a fall festival in late August. Utilizing 12 different colors of corn they completely redecorate the facade with a unique theme annually. Yes, there is even a Corn-Cam.

Wisconsin Road Art | A picture’s worth 1000 words

The House of Mugs | Collettsville, North Carolina

If you visit, it’s free, and mugs are welcome.


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